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<head>HTML5 tutorial
<title>Examples IN EVERY CHAPTER</title><p>with HTML you can creates your own websites.
this tutorial teaches you every thing about HTML.
HTML is easy to lean-you will enjoy it.
<p>At the end of the html turotial,you can find more than 200 examples.
with our online editors,you can edit and test each examples yourself.</p>
<p>Test your HTML skills at 3sschool!
start HTML exercise!
start HTML Quize!
<h1>HTML Reference
<p>At w3schools you will find complete references about tags,attributes,events,color names,entities,character-sets,URL encoding,languages codes,HTTP messages and more.
<h1>HTML Exam - Get your diploma<p>The html Certificates documents your knowledge of HTML.
The css certificates documents your knowlege of css.
The javascript certificates documents your knoledge of javascript and HTML DOM.
The jQuery certificates documents your knowledge of jQuery .
The PHP certificates documents your knowledge of PHP and sQL(My SQL).
ThE xml certificates documents your knowledge of XML,XML DOM and XSLT.
The Bootstrap certificates documents your knowledge of the bootstrap framework.
HTML5 tutorial
with HTML you can creates your own websites. this tutorial teaches you every thing about HTML. HTML is easy to lean-you will enjoy it.