House Details
Windows : 4
Window 1
Grill 1: 20S
1: 4M
1: 6L
Window 2
Grill 1: 40S
1: 4M
1: 6L
Window 3
1: 40S
1: 4M
1: 6L
Window 4
1: 40S
1: 4M
1: 6L
Windows 5
1: 22S
1: 4M
1: 6L
Almunium Slider attached with wall and All kinds of almunium materials used for windows . Two sliding windows available in windows 1, windows 2, windows 3, windows 4 and windows five have slitly small in size
One middle slidder available and which is made from jali . windows5 have only one almunium foiled movable window available .